Gaiduk Roman Vladimirovich - Конкорд

Gaiduk Roman Vladimirovich

Gaiduk Roman Vladimirovich


Teaching experience: more than 5 years. Qualification category: the second. Education: graduated from the Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov with qualification “Psychologist. Psychology teacher. " Specialization - family psychology. Work experience: the first place of work was the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” in the town of Klichev. Since 2019 he worked as a leading specialist in a private development and adaptation center aimed at helping children with OPFD who have behavioral and emotional problems. Since 2021 he is a teacher-psychologist at Concord Secondary School, Mogilev.

Sphere of professional interests: he takes an active part in work with parents, providing assistance in problems of interpersonal relations in the family, problems of school performance, conflicts with peers, etc. Over the years of practice, he actively developed in the work on socialization and vocational education. He has the appropriate certificates as part of the course "Psychological and pedagogical support in working with students." He pays special attention to the development of skills in behavior analysis and its correction, which he confirmed by successfully receiving a certificate of completion of the training course “Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in Working with Children”. In my personal professional bank he has vast experience in creating and conducting thematic training sessions not only with students, but also with parents and teachers. An active participant in the development of the tutor movement. Also, he has mastered a wide base of interactive methods of personality diagnostics, which helps to study the issues of interest quickly and without anxiety.